BLUEPEACE blog » About


Bluepeace is made up of concerned individuals who wish to ensure that the natural environment is used wisely and continues to be available for the benefit and enjoyment of future generations. Bluepeace was initiated by a young group and founded on 11th September of 1989. This group of concerned people aimed at diverting some of their energy in conserving our common environment which is being misused and degraded due to lack of awareness, knowledge and understanding.

Bluepeace is strictly a non-governmental organization and registered in Maldives. It is not sponsored by any other party but depends on time given freely, voluntary effort, on subscriptions, donations and fund raising.

Bluepeace is a young and evolving organization. Its heart is young and true but youth can also be impetuous. We welcome the support of the steadfast and the wise who can best advise and be active.
