Informative Websites

World Wide Fund
Promoting a Network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the North-East Atlantic
United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Bonaire Marine Park
Marine Parks and Reserves- Western Australia
Ministry of Environment and Construction, Maldives
Small Island Developing States Network
Planet Ark
US Enviromental Protection Agency 
Climate Institute




There are numerous factors which contribute towards maintaining a balanced and sustainable environment. Knowledge about the environment will enable us to make informed decisions. Respecting earth’s fragile ecosystem can have a positive and long lasting effect which will benefit all stakeholders of our planet, earth. Being informed of the endangered spices, protected areas, and what is at stake etc… would keep us in a much better position to act.

The Maldives authorities have taken some positive measures in order to protect exploitation of our environment. Among this includes protected marine sites, prohibition of catching turtles and other endangered species, and banning shark fishing in some areas. These actions are a minor effort considering the vulnerability of the Maldives ecosystem. This is not the trend only in the Maldives. In the whole world only less than one percent of ocean is protected from exploitation. Declaring a protected area or park will not achieve its objectives. The problem for these ‘declared sanctuaries’ is often inadequate management. The same problem haunts in our protected marine areas and other sanctuaries. One of our objectives is to provide information about these protected marine sites, species and sanctuaries.


Marine environment is the dominating environment of the Maldives, with coral reefs forming the major ecosystem. The 1190 coral islands of the Maldives make up less than 1 per cent of the total area of the country. The other ecosystem includes, sea grass beds, mangroves and swamps. |Read details of Biodiversity Features of the Maldives|


Marine protected areas offer a range of benefits for fisheries, tourism, local economies and the ecosystem:
• a safe haven for fish stocks to recover
• revenue for tourism industry from recreational divers and sea lovers
• alternative sources of income for local people
• prevention of habitat damage
• maintenance of biodiversity and much more |Read details of Protected Marine Sites in the Maldives|


Although the Maldives has a long history of trade in marine turtle shells and offer vast areas of tropical nesting beaches and feeding grounds ideal at least for Hawksbill and Green turtles, only four species of turtles are known to nest in the Maldives and the fifth one is an occasional visitor to the Maldives' seas. |Read about Marine Turtles in the Maldives|